Placenta Encapsulation is the process by which the placenta, also known as the after birth, is washed, steamed, dehydrated, ground into a fine powder, and placed in easy to swallow capsules. Mothers have reported ease of breastfeeding, improved mood, and a lack of postpartum depression with consumption of their placentas. Placenta encapsulation usually produces around 125-200 capsules, depending on the size of your placenta. Long term storage your placenta pills in the freezer can allow you to have the benefits later; when your cycle returns, when you need PMS support, and/or for cramps. Some women even save them for menopause!
Raw or Steamed?
Often the question comes up regarding the difference between encapsulating raw vs steamed. Below you will find a brief description of both; along with pros and cons to each option.
Raw Method
The placenta is rinsed, gently sliced, and dehydrated at 160 degrees for 12 hours or until completely dry.
+ High capsule yield.
+ Potential to give the mother more energy.
- Can be too strong for women who suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders prior to pregnancy.
Steamed, or Traditional, Method
Traditionally called T.C.M., Traditional Chinese Method - the placenta is rinsed, steamed, gently sliced, and dehydrated at
160 degrees until finished.
+ Most commonly used.
+ Is thought to be more gentle - warming to the body.
+ Believed to increase the amount of iron available in the placenta
- Smaller capsule yield.
Which is better?
That lies in the eyes of the beholder. It has found the results from both methods to be quite similar.
There are pros and cons with each method depending on the mother's needs, beliefs, and opinions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA due to the nature of this service. Fort Wayne Tree of Life makes no medical treatment claims. Services provided are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. Families who choose to utilize these services take full responsibility for their own health and product usage.
Raw or Steamed?
Often the question comes up regarding the difference between encapsulating raw vs steamed. Below you will find a brief description of both; along with pros and cons to each option.
Raw Method
The placenta is rinsed, gently sliced, and dehydrated at 160 degrees for 12 hours or until completely dry.
+ High capsule yield.
+ Potential to give the mother more energy.
- Can be too strong for women who suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders prior to pregnancy.
Steamed, or Traditional, Method
Traditionally called T.C.M., Traditional Chinese Method - the placenta is rinsed, steamed, gently sliced, and dehydrated at
160 degrees until finished.
+ Most commonly used.
+ Is thought to be more gentle - warming to the body.
+ Believed to increase the amount of iron available in the placenta
- Smaller capsule yield.
Which is better?
That lies in the eyes of the beholder. It has found the results from both methods to be quite similar.
There are pros and cons with each method depending on the mother's needs, beliefs, and opinions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA due to the nature of this service. Fort Wayne Tree of Life makes no medical treatment claims. Services provided are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. Families who choose to utilize these services take full responsibility for their own health and product usage.